中国的上海交通大学每年都公布一个世界大学排名研究结果。最新公布的2014年结果显示,我所在的比利时根特大学(Ghent University)全球排名第70名,一直超过鲁汶大学保持比利时第一名。这个成绩不错,学校很喜欢这个结果,在官方网站贴出了一则新闻:
Ghent University rises from place 85 to 70 in the recently published Shanghai ranking, an impressive increase. Again Ghent University has the highest score of all Belgian universities in this world ranking of universities.
Since 2003 the Chinese Shanghai Jiaotong University has lined up a yearly Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU). This ranking compares the research impact of thousands of academic institutions worldwide, based on criteria such as scientific publications, citations, and the number of researchers in the ‘highly cited’ list.
In 2010 Ghent University entered the top-100 of the Shanghai ranking (then on place 90). In 2011, 2012 and 2013 Ghent University was able to preserve her place and even rise slightly, to place 85 in 2013.
In the top 200 of the Shanghai ranking other Belgian universities are also well represented (KULeuven, Université Catholique de Louvain, and the Free University of Brussels (ULB)). The fact that a small country such as Belgium has four universities in this top 200 is evidence of Belgium’s worldwide scientific impact. Even though the ranking is controversial because also parameters such as the number of Nobel prize winners influence the final result, and teaching quality does not feature at all, such ranking positions nevertheless create new opportunities for international collaboration and for recruiting top talents.
The Shanghai ranking is based solely on objective, measurable and verifiable parameters regarding research. As such, these scores are the result of the hard work of the university’s scientific staff, not of surveys which might be manipulated. Ghent University therefore considers this rankings result in the first place as a well-deserved recognition for the dedicated research work of its staff members.
和根特大学重视文章发表方面一样值得一提的是,大学提供的研究环境还是不错的,奖学金高、工资高。硕士、博士研究生只有象征性的注册费,如果学生博士研究生来自中国这样的发展中国家,连象征性注册费用都免了,不愧“全球十佳科研工作机构”之一(Best Places to Work in Academia)。