言归正传,一大早收到学校中国平台的工作人员的一封群邮件,大意是根特大学国际生殖健康研究中心(International Centre for Reproductive Health (ICRH) )招聘一名研究人员。生殖研究这种事情,中国肯定做得比较多,毕竟我国喜欢生育的传统根深蒂固,外加一项世界仅有的计划生育政策。
Dear All,
First of all, an unforgettable, healthy and inspiring 2012 to you all! Soon it will be Chunjie and celebration starts again.
I want to start the new year with a job opportunity: the UGent International Centre for Reproductive Health (ICRH) is looking for a junior researcher for a new FP7 project . The candidate should have a master degree in medical studies and be very fluent in English and preferably in Chinese too (and of course have some other qualifications, see the attachment for all details).
Deadline for applications is 15th January.
Please feel free to forward to anyone who might fulfill the candidate profile.
Best regards,