Channel: 科研学习 –土木坛子
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Civil Engineering, Construction and Building Technology

  1. ACI Materials Journal
  2. ACI Structural Journal
  3. Ashrae Journal-American Society of Heating Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning
  4. Building and Environment
  5. Building Research and Information
  6. Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering
  7. Cement & Concrete Composites
  8. Cement and Concrete Research
  9. Cement Concrete and Aggregates
  10. Civil Engineering
  11. Coastal Engineering
  12. Cold Regions Science and Technology
  13. Computers & Structures
  14. Construction and Building Materials
  15. Energy and Buildings
  16. Engineering Journal-American Institute of Steel Construction Inc
  17. Engineering Structures
  18. European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering
  19. Fire Safety Journal
  20. IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering
  21. Indoor Air-International Journal of Indoor Air Quality and Climate
  22. ITE Journal-Institute of Transportation Engineers
  23. Journal American Water Works Association
  24. Journal of Advanced Transportation
  25. Journal of Aerospace Engineering
  26. Journal of Civil Engineering and Management
  27. Journal of Cold Regions Engineering
  28. Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering
  29. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management-ASCE
  30. Journal of Constructional Steel Research
  31. Journal of Energy Engineering-ASCE
  32. Journal of Environmental Engineering-ASCE
  33. Journal of Hazardous Materials
  34. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering-ASCE
  35. Journal of Hydraulic Research
  36. Journal of Hydrology
  37. Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering-ASCE
  38. Journal of Management in Engineering
  39. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering
  40. Journal of Ship Research
  41. Journal of Structural Engineering-ASCE
  42. Journal of the American Water Resources Association
  43. Journal of Transportation Engineering-ASCE
  44. Journal of Urban Planning and Development-ASCE
  45. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management-ASCE
  46. Journal of Water Services Research and Technology-AQUA
  47. Journal of Waterway Port Coastal and Ocean Engineering-ASCE
  48. KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering
  49. Magazine of Concrete Research
  50. Materials and Structures
  51. Naval Architect
  52. Naval Engineers Journal
  53. Ocean Engineering
  54. PCI Journal
  55. Periodica Polytechnica-Civil Engineering
  56. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers-Civil Engineering
  57. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers-Municipal Engineer
  58. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers-Structures and Buildings
  59. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers-Transport
  60. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers-Water Maritime and Energy
  61. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part F-Journal of RA
  62. Stochastic Hydrology and Hydraulics
  63. Structural Design of Tall Buildings
  64. Structural Engineering and Mechanics
  65. Structural Safety
  66. Thin-walled Structures
  67. Transportation Research Part B-Methodological
  68. Transportation Research Part E-Logistics and Transportation Review
  69. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology
  70. Water Research
  71. Water Science and Technology
  72. Water-Engineering & Management
  73. ZKG International


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